How To Keep Your Cooling Unit Safe During A Huge Storm?
Along with summer, we tend to experience some massive thunderstorms. These can be frightening but they can also be costly. For example, what if a stray lightning bolt hits your AC? What if a tree falls on the unit? This would suck and force you to hire an air conditioner repair service in Saskatoon, SK.
Efficiency Heating, Cooling & Fireplace understands how frustrating this can be. More so due to the unforeseen expenses. This is the reason we decided to list a few ways that you can protect your AC during these frenzy storms.
How To Protect Your AC During A Massive Storm?
Ensure There Is No Risk Of Trees Falling On Your Unit
This may seem like a simple solution. It can’t be that important, can it? Well, if you think of the crazy wind speeds storms tend to feature, a branch can do some serious damage to your air conditioner unit.
In fact, we strongly recommend that you ensure all threatening branches in the vicinity that can pose harm to your AC be cut down. This will save you money by mitigating the chances of you needing an air conditioner repair service in Saskatoon, SK.
Cover The Unit Before The Storm
Thankfully, storms can be seen far in advance before they strike. This is great because it means you have time to take precautionary measures for your AC unit. The most important of which is to cover the external infrastructure with a waterproof covering.
It is important to make sure this cover is secure so that the wind does not whisk it away. Once the storm subsides, ensure that you remove the covering. Failure to do so could create the perfect breeding ground for mold. Yes, you guessed it – this means air conditioner repair service in Saskatoon, SK.
Can You Run Your AC Unit During The Thunderstorm
Is it a bit too warm in your home? Looking for a way to cool off? Well, you may be tempted to make use of your air conditioner unit during the storm. After all, that is the reason you invested in it, right! However, we strongly advise against this.
More so if the storm is accompanied by the crack of lightning and hearty bellows of thunder. Using your AC may increase the overall chances of a surge. This means that an air conditioner repair service in Saskatoon, SK won’t be necessary. However, a replacement
service may be.
The Eye Of The Storm
So, after everything’s said and done, the storm has passed. Has it really though? Is your AC still working at optimal performance? If you notice any problems with your air conditioner unit or if you would like more advice when it comes to protecting your unit, we are one call away.
All you have to do is phone our certified team at (306) 384-4328. If a phone call is a bit too time-consuming, why not head over to our friendly Contact Us page for alternative communication methods.